Friday, 24 February 2012

the "occupy" campaign

the new job that i have been taking for the past 6 months, would consider to be the toughest job that i have ever had in my life!

this is a job that you cannot complain, cannot blame, cannot refuse.... cannot NO....

i used to curse my boss with passion like every day but now i'm with a boss that i can never curse, and someone that i need to nurse with love every day!

certainly, it's tough, it's tiring, but it's the most rewarding job that i have ever had!

6 months, less sleeping = more playing = restless for mommy, and a time to try something new in life - solids; and to some people, the time to wean?

i never want to wean my boss until she wants to wean herself, i enjoy so much in breastfeeding, and so is she.  why wean your baby when they still need the best food in their lives?  there are various reasons to back up this "weaning schedule" (according to what i was told by numbers of experienced mothers):

- less clingy
- more nutrition in formula that is essential for the baby's growth and development
- just need to do it (because that's what everybody does!)

ok now... let's check the first point... less clingy...... this is something that i would like to get it straight with people, why do you want your 6 month old to not be attached to you, or the other way around, why do you want to detach from your 6 month old?  mothers are meant to nurse, raise, take care of their babies until they have the abilities to take care of themselves, meaning, this is your responsibility to ensure your baby is well fed and well taught!

sadly, it is true that many working parents cannot afford to take care their few month old on a full time basis, but at the same time, so many parents nowadays may have also forgotten that they are not just the biological parents of their child.

your child is meant to be clingy to his/her parents and his/her parents are responsible to teach and nurture their child to become independent; but again, sadly, still many parents believe that by having their few month old to take from the bottle and to be fed by just, literally anyone, is the best way to train their independence.

it's simple, and i still believe this - mommy leopards do not ask mommy lions to feed and babysit baby leopards, period.

next is the nutrition value of breastmilk VS formula... i was told that breastmilk is the best milk.  and i don't think i should challenge that.  all i can say is, formula is an option and when you can feed your baby with the most natural food, why bother feeding her commercialised synthetic food?  it's like, when you can make your own chicken broth from scratch, why bother using MSGed campbell's?

the first day that you have decided to have this child is the first day to start and commit to this "occupy" campaign.  there's no annual leave, no weekends off, no early dismiss, and no retirement!

your baby needs you.  not just for food, they need you to play with them, to teach them, to nurture them.  and they don't need tv, ipads and nintendo.  well, at most, i'd say for parents and babies, they do need some nat geo time!

bear this in mind, mommy leopards nurse and protect baby leopards from predators, but also teach them how to find their own food, and do not leave their children until they can hunt themselves.