Thursday, 5 January 2012

new year, new post, new goal~

ok, it has been more than half a year since last blog post...

and yes, i haven't been writing for such a long time that i have been typing and deleting, thinking of how to make a good start of a new blog post here;  i just didn't want to start the year with a lame post!

there are just so much thoughts to put into one, i have so much to share with every one of you here for what i have gained in the past year!

now, what to start...

i become a mommy on august 27, 2010, kaylee was born on the same day as her grandmother (with my birthday being on the 27th, too, i think i really need to check with some astrologist or numerologist or feng shui master to see if i'm so deeply connected with the number 27!) 

kaylee was born a month earlier than her expected due date, never knew why she was in a rush to arrive, but grandma thinks it was destiny that she has decided to come to the world on her birthday!  she was born 4 lbs 5oz, very tiny little baby, but was healthy enough to have only stayed in the incubator at the nursery for only a week, without being "tube fed" and went home with us.  breastfeeding have always been what i have in mind, but it was easier to think than have done, kaylee was too small and has been struggling on breastfeeding (because it would take her a lot more energy to suckle on breast than on the nipple of a milk bottle), so she was formula fed for about a month with little pumped-out breastmilk fed in some of her meals...

the toughest thing to get through during the first month was the feeding schedule, kaylee had to be fed every 3 hours; at first, grandma and daddy helped feeding but as soon as kaylee was succesfully breastfed, i had to wake up every 3 hours... >.<"

as soon as i was used to this schedule, things have become so much easier, but what's more challenging was, to be challenged by people around you.  many people, members of the family questioned whether breastmilk was actually nutritious enough or filling enough for the baby, and even suggested that, should substitute the night time meal with formula instead to ensure baby's tummy is filled up.

i have been sticking to what i believe for the past four months and is hoping to continue in the next four months, or even longer!  there sure is a lot to compensate (like keeping my shopping time within 3 hours and get home before the next feeding!), but, to give off some shopping time for the most precious skin to skin moment with your own baby, is all worthwhile!

i encourage all mommy-to-be to be faithful and persistent on breastfeeding!  YOU CAN DO IT!!!  all you need is time, patience and supports from your friends and family!

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